A Timely Intervention: How Cowabunga Protected a local Resident from a Dangerous Scam

A Timely Intervention: How Cowabunga Protected a local Resident from a Dangerous Scam

In the early hours of one recent morning, Cowabunga’s vigilant security system detected unusual activity on a client’s computer. At 4:55am, a remote access application was launched. While such applications can have genuine purposes, the timing was odd. Our security system quickly terminated the suspicious activity and we noted it, planning to notify the client at a more reasonable hour.

But by 5:16am, a second, different remote access application was flagged. Two such applications in such a short time span raised red flags. We knew immediate intervention was required.

Despite our best efforts, initial phone calls and on-screen alerts to the client went unanswered. Undeterred, we took further steps to ensure the client’s safety by shutting down active browser connections and other suspicious applications.

Finally, the client responded. They revealed they were on the phone with what they believed was “HP support”. They’d been instructed to ignore our calls and on-screen messages.

It became clear: our client was on the brink of becoming a victim of a technical support scam. A fraudulent search result had led them to a fake support line.

Thanks to Cowabunga’s unwavering commitment to security, the scam was thwarted. No credit card, bank, or retirement funds were compromised.

At Cowabunga, we pride ourselves on being more than just a managed services provider. We’re your frontline defense against the increasingly sophisticated world of cyber threats. Our message to all our valued clients and prospective partners: Let us be your first and only call for technical support. With Cowabunga in your corner, rest easy knowing you’re protected from the myriad of threats lurking online.

Choose Cowabunga for steadfast protection, always. Secure your computers, servers, and networks with the best in Honolulu.

Picking the Right Firewall: Exploring the Power of Cisco Meraki Firewalls

In today’s interconnected world, where businesses and residents rely heavily on the internet, ensuring network security is of paramount importance. A robust firewall is the first line of defense against cyber threats and unauthorized access. Among the myriad of firewall options available, Cisco Meraki firewalls stand out as a reliable and advanced choice. In this article, we will explore the significance of a firewall and delve into the key features that make Cisco Meraki a top contender for safeguarding networks.

The Importance of a Firewall: A firewall acts as a protective barrier, monitoring incoming and outgoing network traffic and filtering it based on predefined security rules. Whether you are a small business or a resident, a firewall is crucial for several reasons:

  1. Network Security: Firewalls prevent unauthorized access to your network and protect your sensitive data from potential cyber attacks such as malware, ransomware, and phishing attempts.
  2. Traffic Management: A firewall ensures that your network resources are utilized efficiently by regulating and prioritizing traffic flow.
  3. Compliance: For businesses, certain industries require compliance with strict data protection regulations. A robust firewall helps in meeting these compliance standards.

Key Features of Cisco Meraki Firewalls: Cisco Meraki firewalls offer a wide range of features that cater to the needs of both small businesses and residents. Here are some of the standout features:

  1. Cloud-Managed Security: One of the unique aspects of Cisco Meraki firewalls is their cloud-based management. This allows easy and centralized control of multiple devices across different locations, making them ideal for managed services providers overseeing several clients.
  2. User-friendly Interface: The intuitive dashboard of Cisco Meraki firewalls simplifies the configuration and monitoring process. Even non-technical users can easily manage their network security effectively.
  3. Advanced Threat Protection: Meraki firewalls come equipped with intrusion prevention systems (IPS) and antivirus scanning to proactively identify and block malicious activities, providing an additional layer of protection.
  4. Content Filtering and Application Control: For businesses and parents alike, content filtering and application control features are valuable. These features allow users to restrict access to certain websites or applications, ensuring a safer online experience.
  5. VPN Connectivity: Cisco Meraki firewalls support Virtual Private Network (VPN) connectivity, enabling secure communication between remote offices or telecommuting employees.

Conclusion: In conclusion, selecting the right firewall is crucial for safeguarding your network and data from cyber threats. Cisco Meraki firewalls offer a compelling suite of features, making them an excellent choice for managed services providers and individuals seeking reliable network security. By embracing the power of Cisco Meraki firewalls, you can not only fortify your network but also build trust among your clients or family members by providing a secure online environment.

Remember, while we’ve highlighted the advantages of Cisco Meraki firewalls in this article, it’s essential to conduct a thorough evaluation to ensure the chosen firewall aligns with your specific needs. With the right firewall in place, you can stay ahead in the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity.

Microsoft will be disabling SMB1 by default for Windows 11 Home Insiders

Microsoft has been recommending systems administrators to disable SMB v1 on their network for years now. SMB v1 is vulnerable to a number of exploits which include Man in the middle attacks, insecure guest authentication and security downgrade attacks. Even exchange is vulnerable to issues surrounding SMB v1.

A few of the major viruses circulating in the wild also take advantage of the flaws in SMB v1. These include, but are not limited to EternalBlue, EternalRomance, TrickBot, Emotet, WannaCry, Retefe, NotPetya and Olympic Destroyer.

Disabling SMB v1 is easy, but not without issues. Many old applications require v1 to function as they are not compatible with the newer SMB v2 or SMB v3. Migrating off of legacy applications and devices will make for an easier transition when Microsoft finally puts SMB v1 to rest permanently.